Battle Arena: Euro Wars


"You will hear of wars, and you will hear rumors of wars"
Disintegration of the European Union was everywhere to be seen. Maintaining EU's economic architecture through authoritarianism and brute political was not enough to stop its collapse. Eastern European governments openly declared their opposition to the wicked principles of neo-cultural policies. Southern states were devastated by the toxic management of a Brussels-Frankfurt establishment keeping them on a short leash of euro currency scheme.
"The horns sounded and the walls came down"
But the governments didn't start the war. The EU's rulers were far more interested in pretending to enforce unenforceable rules than to serve the Union's interests and protect it from falling into even deeper state of deconstruction. Native citizens, alienated from Brussels elite, pushed the EU into a conflict. They weren't soldiers, they were regular men and women, mothers and fathers, workers and thinkers. Fighting all together to preserve what still could be preserved. Two organisations were formed. The Unity - an old order of things and The Commune - a shape of things to be. The war was begun.

